Setting up an Eggdrop (the short version)

Setting up an Eggdrop

The Short Short Version

If you're experienced with the Unix shell environment and don't think you need to read all the stuff on this page, follow this quick guide to installing Eggdrop (otherwise, proceed straight to Getting the Eggdrop Source):

1) Download eggdrop1.6.21.tar.gz from the eggheads ftp.
Telnet and FTP to the shell.
Upload eggdrop1.6.21.tar.gz via FTP.
In telnet type tar zxvf eggdrop1.6.21.tar.gz
Type cd eggdrop1.6.21
Type ./configure
7) Type make config (compiles all modules) or make iconfig (allows you to select the modules to compile).
8) Type make
Type make install DEST=/home/name/botdir
Switch to the botdir and edit the sample config file eggdrop.conf, then rename it to something appropriate (e.g. botnick.conf).
Type ./eggdrop -m <config file>

Note: Eggdrop requires Tcl to compile. If the server does not have Tcl installed, you will need to download and install it.

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