We offer an automated installation tool that allows you to configure, compile and bring a bot...
Detailed Installation Instructions (Manual Install Method)Installation Installing Eggdrop is a relatively simple process provided your shell has the...
Editing the botchk file to automatically restart your botEditing the botchk file The botchk script and crontab are used to automatically restart the bot...
Getting the Eggdrop Source CodeGetting the Eggdrop Source There are many different versions of Eggdrop available for download...
How can I link my bots together to form a botnet?Setting Up a Botnet One of the great features of Eggdrop is bot linking, allowing you to create...
How to configure your eggdrop botConfiguration There are two files you will need to edit before you can start up your Eggdrop -...
I started by eggdrop bot but it never joined IRCNo show? If your bot didn't appear on IRC, you should log in to the shell and view or download...
Okay, my bot is online, now how do I interact with it and use it?DCC Chat and the Party Line The great majority of Eggdrop's functions are controlled in a DCC...
Protecting and securing your bot from from the bad guysBot Protection and Security The Eggdrop bot has many potential vulnerabilities that can be...
Setting up an Eggdrop (the short version)Setting up an Eggdrop The Short Short Version If you're experienced with the Unix shell...
Starting your eggdrop bot for the first timeStarting the Eggdrop Phew! Now that you've compiled, installed, and configured Eggdrop, it's...
Using TCL scripts to further enhance your eggdrop botUsing Tcl Scripts Using Tcl (pronounced 'tickle') scripts is the easiest way to add extra...
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